My heart and soul are full of gratitude as I write this note to you. I hope your Lent is going well and Happy Feast of the Annunciation. Times have changed fast, and when we sprung forward nobody could have expected what we are going through now. Yet, God hasn’t moved, and His call has not changed. He continues to invite us into a deeper relationship with Him, to be perfect just as He is perfect. The Lord Jesus shows us greater love by strengthening our faith and setting our hearts on fire to love Him deeply. He showers us with His grace that prompts us to share the Good News and what He is doing for us in our lives. Here are 3 ways, we can respond to God’s call to live in holiness and change the world. 1. Filling our Heart with Gratitude: One of the most important ways to grow in holiness right now is to encounter Christ in His living Word, through praying with the Scriptures, reading his Word, loving His Word, being inspired by His Word, and sharing His Word. When we read the Scriptures we offer our thanksgiving to Him and He fills us with joy as we experience an intimate relationship with Him. How are you filling your heart with gratitude? Throughout the day are you reading the Scriptures with a heart full of gratitude and love? Are you open to receive the joy of Christ? Begin filling your heart with gratitude by reading the book of Psalms 33, 34, 138 and 139. “Without Christ, we are a dry well or a dry river. Without Christ, we are nothing and have nothing to give. With Christ, we are in the abundance of Grace, Joy, Gratitude, Goodness and Greater Love.” 2. Intentionally Forgive Ourselves and Others- Purifying our Hearts and Souls To share God’s love, we must allow ourselves to be transformed through forgiveness, and receive God’s Mercy. This means forgiving ourselves and others. I had struggled with forgiveness for quite some time, forgiving myself and my Dad. I remember, saying the ‘Our Father’, and I was not fully able to say, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. I always wondered how God could forgive me if I am not able to forgive myself or my Dad? It was a process, but I intentionally chose opening myself up and being committed to God’s call of love, to finally forgive my Dad with all my heart and experience God’s mercy and be set free. I love this quote from St. Faustina "He who knows how to forgive prepares for himself many graces from God. As often as I look upon the cross, so often will I forgive with all my heart." With the freedom that forgiveness brings, we are able to share the gratitude and joy of Christ with others. In saying yes to the Lord, to start my ministry and share my story through speaking and coaching, I have witnessed people experience the joy of God's mercy, even when it wasn’t easy for them. For many, it meant moving past deep hurts and memories. The journey of forgiveness can be difficult but in sharing and helping others delve deeper into those emotions and define their hurt they were able to take those steps towards forgiveness (some returning to the sacrament of reconciliation after 30+ years). God reminds us that He loves us so much and nothing can separate us from His love. He is always offering us His grace, and there is nothing we can do for God to stop loving us. As I always like to remind myself, if the distance between Him and us is 1000 steps, He takes 999 steps and we only have one step to take; to open our hearts and experience His love, mercy, and healing. Who do you need to forgive today? (Inspired Scripture Reading- Psalms 32, Psalms 33, Psalms 51, Romans 8.) 3. Praying and Sharing the Joy of Christ: When I meet interesting people in my life, experience an awesome time at the beach, or have a nice meal at a restaurant I always look forward to sharing those experiences with friends and family. The same can be said when we experience God’s great joy. He invites us to share this encounter and joy with others for the glory of His name by the way we live, lead, and show up. Do you radiate God’s joy? Do you share His goodness? Do people witness Christ living and present in your life today? (Inspired Scripture Readings- John 1:4-10, John 4: 4-25, 1 John:5-10.) From this moment let us resolve to be Holy, to change the world. Thank you so much for your prayers, your continued support, and love. During this time may you and your family be safe, healthy and blessed! With Gratitude, John Kinuthia John@JohnKinuthia.com
Let us ask Our Blessed Mother to intercede for us as we answer the call of holiness. Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.