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How Tough Moments Lead us Closer to Christ?

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

In recent weeks one of my greatest challenges has been illness. My mom, back home in Kenya, has been sick and needing medical care and expenses. The hardest part is not being home to help care for her. And now our boys are struggling with colds and who knows what else. In all these and everything else going on, I am grateful that the gracious Lord, helps us carry through in each moment, and reminds us of his love. When we are going through tough moments in life, how do we respond? At times we may sink into negativity and think that God is not present in our life at that moment. However, God is always present, but sometimes our mind consciously or unconsciously chooses to focus on the situation that is familiar to us rather than thinking and praying for grace that allows us to find God at the moment. We must be consistent in praying for grace, the sanctifying grace, which is Christ's divine life in us. It is grace that helps us be Christ-like as we grow in virtue. When we are struggling with someone at work or home, or frustrated with ourselves, it is this sanctifying grace that helps us love ourselves and love others as Jesus would. When we get impatient with our children for one reason or another, it is this gift of grace that allows us to go forward in loving them and being patient with them, seeing our children as Christ sees them. The moments we struggle with doubts, limiting beliefs, fear of things that could happen, or reliving pain from our past, it is this grace that helps us grow in confidence and courage to step forward in faith and total trust in doing God’s will. (Keep an eye on out for our next reflection on how to discern His will for us.) Let us pray for the grace to continue growing in virtue and living a holy life, as Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 1:9-10. "He saved us and called us to a holy life, not according to our works but according to his own design and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus before time began, but now made manifest through the appearance of our savior Christ Jesus, who destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" It is not easy, but with grace, it becomes easier as Ven. Louis de Granada tell us, "the path of virtue is painful to nature when left to itself; but nature, assisted by grace, finds it easy and agreeable." May the Love of Christ fill your hearts as you live a virtuous holy life How can I pray for you this week, this month? Let me know



"John did a spectacular job presenting at our parish.  His joy of the Lord and enthusiasm in sharing Jesus with others is contagious! 
We are planning to have him return soon."

Gina Mesko
Discipleship Coordinator, Office of the New Evangelization
Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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